Explorer's Eden: Cobblemon x Create

Explorer's Eden: Cobblemon x Create



In addition to our main server which focuses mainly on making everything accessible without the need for any mod, we now are also happy to launch a more modded experience for you which combines two of the best mods made; Cobblemon and Create. By mixing the two mods together you are able to experience a complete fresh take on the game where you can either catch 'em all, build amazing machines or do both! Besides that the server itself offers a claiming system to keep your stuff protected, as well as a party and guild system to make playing with others as easy as possible.


⚙️ About Create

Create is a powerful Minecraft mod nearing three years of Development. It adds a variety of useful building tools,  as well as technology based on kinetics and rotational power. It is a free-time open-source project by a bunch of Minecraft players who love the creative aspect of the game.

⚙️ About Cobblemon

Cobblemon is a modpack for Minecraft that adds Pokémon to your game and improves visuals and audio. You can capture, battle, and train over 500 Pokémon, build, mine, or fight mobs, and enjoy the new features of the Cobblemon mod.




🛠️ Getting Started

Thanks to modrinth and their easy to install modpacks we've made it as easy as possible to connect to the server to get started. All you need is the modrinth app which you can download here: Download the modrinth app. Once downloaded simply login with your minecraft account and install the modpack we've put together which you can download here: Download the Explorer's Eden Cobblemon x Create Modpack. After starting the instance you can simply join the server which is already saved in the multiplayer menu.


🎮 Ingame Commands