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Nice Villagers Remastered



📖 Description

Nice Villagers Remastered reworks and remasters many aspects of villagers to make them more enjoyable and fun. From randomized Villager & Village names over new structure to new trades, this data pack freshens up the Villagers of every world to make them more immersive and worthwhile.


⭐ Features

  • Villagers can be leashed. Making transportation easier
  • Villagers & Wandering Traders have randomized names based on their type
  • Villages have randomized names based on the types of Villagers which live in there
  • Trigger command for Villager Infos (Inventory, lvl, etc.) which also highlights the workbench the Villager has claimed
  • Opening chests near a Villager gives it a bit of bad reputation towards the player (Why should only Piglins be angry if you take their stuff?!)
  • Villagers have better or worse prices depending on whether they have a bed and/or meeting point (bell)
  • Villagers & Iron Golems heal over time when they are near their Village centre (Bell) when it's daytime
  • Some Villagers have small Fetch Quests, requiring the player to bring the items shown to it for a small reward.
  • Wandering Traders sell Mobheads (They do have noteblock sounds. Fancy, right?!)
  • Wandering Traders have a chance to sell enchanted treasure books
  • Wandering Traders announce their presence with an neat, randomized message and fireworks. They also glow for a short period of time when spawning
  • Wandering Traders have a chance to be a disguised Illusioner (indicated by particles)
  • Villagers without a profession babble about certain topics in different moods when interacting with them
  • Chance to change a Villagers type by giving it a certain item (Oak/Spruce/Jungle/Acacia Sapling, Mangrove Propagule, Snow, Dead Bush)
  • Players can give Master Traders (lvl 5) certain items based on their profession which they then start selling (for an increased price because stonks)
  • 7 new Structures: Villager Outposts which have a special Villager Trader inside who sells items based on its profession as well as miniblocks (which also have noteblock sounds. Still fancy, RIGHT!?)
  • 20+ new Advancements (in case you are looking for a new challenge)

📖 Description

Villagers like to gossip about players the like ..or dislike. Villager gossip knowingly increases or decreases prices for traded items. In addition to the vanilla modifiers Villagers now talk a bit negative about players opening chests in a 6 block radius of them. A bit like Piglins but without being agressiv immediately. Also Villagers with a bed and/or meeting point (Bell) gossip positively about the player trying to trade with it. Vice versa Villagers without a bed and/or meeting point (Bell) talk negatively about the player trying to trade with it. 

This incentivezes players to give their Villagers a bit more room when building trading halls without losing the ability to build those tiny 1x1 spaces in trading halls. 

📖 Description

There are currently 7 different Villager Outposts which generate throughout the Overworld. The design and location of Outposts are based on a Villagers type. Within an Outpost you'll find Village loot as well as a special Trader at the top of each Outpost. This Trader has different trades than normal Villagers. They're based on the type of the Villager. A Snow type Villager for example sells Ice Blocks. In addition to that those Traders also sell 2 of 57 Miniblocks as well as 1 of 183 Mobheads. All of those have noteblock sounds attached to them. Mobheads and Miniblocks are chosen randomly when the Trader spawns.


Outpost Tower #1

📖 Description

Villagers have a chance to have a Fetch Quest. A simple and small task which can be repeated three times before the Villagers turns back to normal. A player simply has to give the Villager with the Fetch Quest the required amount of the item it is asking for to get a small reward ranging from Emeralds up to an Enchanted Book.

Any spawned or bred Villager has a chance to have a Fetch Quest except the Villager located at the top of Villager Outposts.


Villager Fetch Quest

📖 Description

Players can change a Villagers type by handing it one of the listed items. The type changes based on the item which was given out. Handing one of the items has a 5% chance of changing the type. A Villagers type can only be changed when the Villager has no profession. Regardless of whether the type has changed, the item gets consumed when used.

Items valid for changing a Villager type:

  • Dead Bush
  • Jungle Sapling
  • Oak Sapling
  • Acacia Sapling
  • Snow
  • Mangrove Propagule
  • Spruce Sapling

📖 Description

Once a Villager has reached the Master level (lvl 5) a player can give it one item which it then starts selling for an increased price. All a player has to do is throw the item to it's feet and it will pick it up shortly after and sells it immediately. What items a Master Trader can be given is determined by its profession.

Below you'll find a list containing all items which can be given to a Master Trader.


  • Wolf Armor
  • Totem of Undying
  • Turtle Helmet
  • Iron Horse Armor
  • Golden Horse Armor
  • Diamond Horse Armor
  • Bell
  • Shield
  • Iron Helmet
  • Iron Chestplate
  • Iron Leggings
  • Iron Boots
  • Chainmail Helmet
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Chainmail Boots
  • Golden Helmet
  • Golden Chestplate
  • Golden Leggings
  • Golden Boots
  • Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template


  • Rabbit Stew
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Steak
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Cooked Rabbit
  • Chicken
  • Porkchop
  • Beef
  • Mutton
  • Rabbit
  • Coal
  • Charcoal
  • Bowl


  • Item Frame
  • Banner (any color)
  • Compass
  • Glow Item Frame
  • Lodestone
  • Ender Eye
  • Creeper Banner Pattern
  • Flow Banner Pattern
  • Guster Banner Pattern
  • Mojang Banner Pattern
  • Piglin Banner Pattern
  • Skull Banner Pattern
  • Sign (any wood type)
  • Hanging Sign (any wood type)
  • Recovery Compass


  • Turtle Scute
  • Armadillo Scute
  • Glass Bottle
  • Magma Cream
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Blaze Powder
  • Blaze Rod
  • Breeze Rod
  • Wind Charge
  • Cobweb
  • Slime Ball
  • Amethyst Shard
  • Echo Shard
  • Spider Eye
  • Ominous Bottle
  • Experience Bottle
  • Dragon Breath
  • Sugar
  • Ghast Tear


  • Golden Apple
  • Chorus Fruit
  • Glow Berries
  • Milk Bucket
  • Bamboo
  • Sugar Cane
  • Acacia Sapling
  • Azalea
  • Birch Sapling
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Cherry Sapling
  • Dark Oak Sapling
  • Flowering Azalea
  • Jungle Sapling
  • Mangrove Propagule
  • Oak Sapling
  • Red Mushroom
  • Spruce Sapling
  • Wheat
  • Potato
  • Carrot
  • Beetroot
  • Pumpkin
  • Melon
  • Apple
  • Honeycomb
  • Honey Bottle
  • Poisonous Potato


  • Sponge
  • Wet Sponge
  • Pufferfish Bucket
  • Salmon Bucket
  • Tadpole Bucket
  • Tropical Fish Bucket
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Sea Pickle
  • Cod Bucket
  • Ink Sac
  • Glow Ink Sac
  • Cod
  • Salmon
  • Cooked Cod
  • Cooked Salmon
  • Tropical Fish
  • Pufferfish
  • Turtle Egg
  • Lily Pad
  • Kelp


  • Arrow
  • Spectral Arrow
  • Firework Rocket
  • Flint
  • String
  • Tripwire Hook
  • Feather
  • Crossbow
  • Bow
  • Egg
  • Snowball


  • Bundle
  • Leather
  • Rabbit Hide
  • Leather Cap
  • Leather Tunic
  • Leather Pants
  • Leather Boots
  • Item Frame
  • Glow Item Frame
  • Lead
  • Saddle


  • Enchanted Book
  • Lantern
  • Soul Lantern
  • Bookshelf
  • Chiseled Bookshelf
  • Compass
  • Clock
  • Ink Sac
  • Book
  • Writable Book
  • Glass
  • Candle (any color)


  • Tuff
  • Blackstone
  • Basalt
  • End Stone
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Clay
  • Deepslate
  • Granite
  • Andesite
  • Diorite
  • Calcite
  • Dripstone Block
  • Polished Andesite
  • Polished Diorite
  • Polished Granite
  • Terracotta (any color)
  • Glazed Terracotta (any color)


  • Shears
  • Lead
  • Wool (any color)
  • Carpet (any color)
  • Dye (any color)


  • Iron Axe
  • Iron Hoe
  • Iron Pickaxe
  • Iron Shovel
  • Golden Axe
  • Golden Hoe
  • Golden Pickaxe
  • Golden Shovel
  • Diamond Axe
  • Diamond Hoe
  • Diamond Pickaxe
  • Diamond Shovel
  • Shears
  • Flint and Steel
  • Brush


  • Iron Sword
  • Iron Axe
  • Golden Sword
  • Golden Axe
  • Diamond Sword
  • Diamond Axe
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Trident
  • Mace

📖 Description

Villagers have a lot of infos which might be useful to know in certain situations. Whether it's for knowing if a Villager has seen an Iron Golem recently when building an Iron farm, or if a Villager has a full inventory before sending it farming the fields for or just which of those many workbenches belong to that specific Villager, there are many times when one just would have to guess.

Therefore Nice Villagers Remastered introduces a new command, /trigger villager_data, which shows all sorts of useful informations about the nearest Villager. It also highlights the Villager itself and its workbench (if it has one) for a short period of time. An example for that is shown in the image below.


Villager Data

📖 Description

It can be quite difficult to locate Wandering Traders sometimes. They are just sneaky fellows. To counter that Wandering Traders announce their presence with Nice Villagers Remastered. They send a neat and random Message to players within a 64 block radius when they spawn. They also shoot some fireworks and glow for a short period of time after they've spawned to communicate btter where they are exactly. Every Wandering Trader also has a random name assigned to it.

Trades of Wandering Traders have been expanded to alsways include 3 mobheads (with noteblock sounds) as well as a 25% chance of also having a random enchanted treasure book. This should make it a bit more rewarding for players to look out for a Wandering Trader.

But be careful! - Wandering Traders have a small chance to spawn as a disguised Illusioner. It reveals it's true identity when interacting with it. If you look closely you can spot them out since they give of some stinky, blue particles.


Wandering Trader